Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you all know that this blog is moving! You can find me here: http://www.lkayjohnson.wordpress.com. I've been on a bit of a hiatus, but it's only because I've been doing a lot of writing. I hope you'll visit my new blog and (soon) updated website. I'm working on lots of writing projects that I look forward to sharing with you!
Merry Christmas!
Encouragement in a "New York Super Fudge Chunk" Minute

"What was your favorite flavor?" she asked, awaiting my answer with the eager anticipation of a 10-year-old.
"Pralines and creme."
"No way!" she said, "Me too!" We were fast becoming secret ice cream buddies. I had to admit, though, that I'd moved on from Baskin Robbins:
"As far as I'm concerned, there is no greater flavor this side of paradise than Ben and Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk."
"No way!" she said, "That's my favorite too!" she gasped. We soon forgot everyone around us while we gushed about the rich, dense dark chocolate ice cream filled with dark and white chocolate gobs, as well as huge fat chunks of walnuts. Ah...divinity.
The next day, my husband and I received some long-dreaded disheartening news regarding a family matter. Jeanne called me later to just say she was thinking of us and if I wanted to get together for coffee, she was available. Later she called again, "I'd really like to stop by and give you something. Will you be home tomorrow?"
Today she showed up on my doorstep with a Christmas bag. Jeanne makes beautiful handmade jewelry, so I thought maybe she had brought me one of her creations. She insisted I open it right away. Inside were four pints of Ben and Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk Ice Cream. FOUR PINTS! Do you know what GOLD this is? This, my friends, is love.
Never underestimate the power of New York Super Fudge Chunk. More important--never underestimate the power of a thoughtful gesture, even a silly one, to bring encouragement. Jeanne didn't help my waistline, but the fact that she took the time to go buy 4 pints of Ben and Jerry's and bring it to me...well, how can you put a price on friendship like that?
Side Streets

His propensity to wander used to make me crazy. I, too, am easily distracted, and I so wanted to stick to a plan. But now when that “We have to check this out!” look comes over him, I just go with it. Had I not learned to do this, I would’ve missed so much—like the Hotel California sing-along with a bunch of Italian guys in a Tuscan art gallery, located—you guessed it—on a side street. I wouldn’t have seen the tiny, lone grave next to the remains of an old cabin we hiked past. (The entire site had to be explored—knee-high weeds and all.) I would’ve missed the mountain goat in CrĂȘte that stood on a huge boulder like an ancient sentry as we rounded a winding mountain road.
I would’ve missed that jazz club in Paris with some of the most talented musicians you’ve never heard of, and the eerie cafĂ© in northern Italy that turned out to be some kind of Mussolini shrine. There was the wine tasting in a tiny Spanish hillside village with a panorama of the Mediterranean; and the flamenco bar where the locals nursed small glasses of moscato, played guitar, and sang in that mesmerizingly mournful and flowery Arabic style. And of course we had to stop when I spotted a two-room shop filled with handcrafted Spanish guitars, the master craftsman himself as old as the Al Hambra. There was also that boat ride on Lake Geneva that was memorable simply because we lived through it.

In almost all of the above cases, I don’t remember the original destination, but I do remember the detours. The long way really is, apparently, sometimes better. For creative types who berate themselves about their inability to focus, maybe it’s encouraging to know that this need to explore is ok. It’s part of your artistic spirit. You need to satisfy your curiosity. When you squelch it, you smother your inspirational soul. So go ahead. Wander a bit. Check things out. Take the side road. You’ll come back to the path—or at least a path—all the richer for the experience.
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