
Do it Scared

Linda is my hero.

She is a self-confessed 'fraidy cat! She plays the violin but is terrified to play for anyone but her plants. She is one of the funniest people I know, but she's petrified of speaking in front of a crowd. She has visions of saving the world, but she's happiest working in her studio where she paints and does pottery.

Linda is afraid of everything.

But she is not afraid to face down fear. A few years ago, she picked up her violin and determined to use her gifts anyway. She was visibly a nervous wreck the first few times she played. Her remedy? "Play harder!"

She has the audacity to call herself an artist and actually put her work out there for the whole world to see and critique. Though she's an introvert at heart, she went to every charity in town that our church supports to find out what they specifically need so that we can better support them.

How does she do it? Linda has a brilliant motto: DO IT SCARED.

She decided that if fear was always going to be a battle, she would just do it anyway and do it scared--whatever IT is.

I love that.


Is there something you need to "do scared" today? I have a whole list! Time to get started...

P.S. You can view Linda's beautiful artwork and pottery at www.lindakasun.com.


Anonymous said...

With God's help, I sometimes I do this and now I know what to call it-- doing it scared! I loved the description of our special, mutual friend, Linda. It made me smile with admiration. Kay, you have a lovely gift for not only expressing yourself muscially, but also in the written word! Blessings,
Diann Wilson

Coach Katy said...

God's grace and abundant blessings, my dear friends.

Unknown said...

I have known your funny, courageous 'fraidy cat' for over half of my life. You have captured her spirit, her strength and her humility in a way that would both make her protest and make me nod with approval. What a fine example of the Apostle Paul's admonition that we do WHATEVER we do heartly, as unto the Lord.

Deedee Garcia said...

Wow! I love this, and I love Linda's artwork. It's so inspired.
Thank you for this entry. Just what I needed today.

Hahaha. Love it when that happens,